Monday, February 24, 2020

Checking The Quality Of Work Done By Electron Bean Welders

Electron Bean Welders

Electron beam welding has been a vital part of numerous core industries. A few of these industries include oil and gas, aerospace, and medical equipment. Invented back in the 1950s, EB took over the trend of fusion welding. 

EB served as a welding method, using which metals can be bonded in a way that’s safe and reliable. This welding technique is all about quality and precision. But how do you check the quality of work performed by these machines, here are few of the significant ones: 

Visual Inspection

When it comes to precision tig welding, the surface of the metals plays a crucial role. It can make a big difference in precision welding. 

For metals, microscopic visual inspection is essential. With it, you can identify any significant cracks and other visible flaws. Also, it can help in calculating fatigue. Many a time, a fluorescent dye is also used to flag tiny details.


In electron beam welding, the quality of the whole metal piece is as crucial as the quality of the machine. Although, some critical issues such as fatigue can be ignored. In these cases, radiography can prove to be a useful associate. 

It can either be used as a sample measurement or can confirm metallurgic suitability. 

Batch Control Testing 

It’s one of the forms of quantitative testing. 

Batch control testing enables a weld to be meticulously divided into macro and micro quality control pieces at any random point during the production process. This testing process provides a good overview of an entire production run, establishing the quality of overall parts. 

Ultrasonic Testing 

Sound-waves in the production industry are an excellent detailed visualization tool.

Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a non-destructive technique of quality checking. It’s a highly effective way to explore the deep structures of a metal or joint. It’s efficient in identifying the invisible cracks and uncover tiny defects. Further, it’s more preferable due to its precise readings in testing. 

The above methods are an effective way to check the quality of the work done by Electron Beam Welders. Do let us know what testing process do you employ at your workshop?

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